DSLR cameras are great because they are an inexpensive way to get really great looking video. You can plug so many different lenses on them, you have a lot of range in the way of style you want. The ISO reading gives you another way to control lighting.
To me the biggest limitation is depth of field. The crushed depth of field a DSLR gives you is great, but it's almost like you have to put together a series of talking portraits. The subjects can't move vertically and stay in focus. They also can't shoot for more than 10 minutes or so at a time which can be problematic for interviews. They are so small that they are sensitive to movement. Handheld isn't much of an option with DSLRs, I have had some success stabilizing them on my knee though.
The EX3 w/ the 35mm adapter would be the rig I would use to shoot an independent full feature at this moment. It can be mounted onto jibs and shoulder harnesses and with the adapter it has really good picture quality.
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