Saturday, September 17, 2011

Scene Analysis

I know I already posted this scene, but I really dig it. Okay.

CU Sienna talking to daniel.

OTS MCU of Sienna Looking over her shoulder as she walks onto dance floor.

CU of Daniel looking at Sienna.

The camera then slowly zooms out to reveal 2 shot MCU Sienna's boyfriend talking Daniel's ear off while Daniel is transfixed on Sienna.

MS Sienna dancing.

Zoom in to MCU Sienna dancing and smoking a cigarette.
M2S Daniel and Sienna's boyfriend w/ dancers partially blocking view.
MCU Sienna.
M2S Daniel and Sienna's bf.
MS Sienna w/ dude checking her out.
Tighter M2S.
MLS Sienna
2SMCU Daniel and Sienna's BF from different angle.
Camera tilts down to show Sienna handing Daniel her number.
CU Sienna.
MCU Daniel putting number in breast pocket.

The import of this scene to the movie is it's when Daniel meets his love interest, Sienna. It is also intriguing when you look back on it because Sienna's boyfriend is much of an afterthought for the rest of the movie then he shoots Daniel at the very end. This scene showing Daniel ignoring him is a nice use of  foreshadowing.

Friday, September 16, 2011


So far I feel I have learned the most about lighting. In 201 I had no idea how to get rid of shadows or make things look pretty in general. I didn't understand the purpose of silks. It never occurred to me that a light can be bounced off the ceiling. I thought they had to be put directly on the subject. I've also come to pay more attention to eye light.

I feel like my best strength as far as videography goes is composition. I seems to do well placing things along the rule of things. Focus is the hardest thing I deal with. Things look good on the screen unless you really pay attention to it. Sometimes you have to go past focus then back to make sure the image is sharp.

I'm also pretty good at using lines to creating a sense of depth.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


You can't tell it in the clip. But the lighting here is excellent. It is a wedding party going on throughout the thoroughfare of the town of deadwood. My favorite thing about it is all the important characters are visible, but not overblown and all the background players are dimmer. Really guides the eye.

This is my favorite shot from Little Miss Sunshine. The sky looks so pretty it seems done in post, but the director's said in the commentary that it was real. They also said it was done as the day was winding down so they had to hurry and did the scene in two takes.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I want to make movies, direct them. Start out small then eventually built to a mega-blockbuster trilogy that will be utterly breathtaking and human.

I feel like people don't see things the way I do, and that is an Effin-A-Crying-Shame.

I've come to realize that although I have good vision as far as shots and angles and how I want that to relate to the story at that certain moment in the film, others are much better than me at making things look super pretty. My main goal in this class is to find some balling cinematographers for my projects.

As far as my education in this class goes,  I want to get better at manipulating depth of field and lighting. Using fog machines sounds pretty cool, too. To do this I need to read the books and check out cameras every weekend so I can film, edit and post things and be like, "Don't look at me, look at what I'm looking at."


First off, sorry for the delay in posting. Been busy like a bee. Speaking of which, I was Maine over labor day and saw two bees going to town in two different flowers. Pretty intense.

As far as inspiration goes, I don't really look at too much photography, but maybe I should start doing that.

Music is a big influence on me. I feel like life is better when played in step with a soundtrack.

I think the intro to movies is very important. I like movies that have a good song and are already establishing the story during the opening credits.

I already have the opening sequence to five of the movies I'm going to make planned with their respective songs.

This is good.

I've been watching Deadwood on DVD recently. I'm enthralled by the way they are constantly racking focus. I watched Sons of Anarchy last night and their racking wasn't up to par. Sad day.

Gap commercials are always good.

I also like tall buildings