Wednesday, September 14, 2011


First off, sorry for the delay in posting. Been busy like a bee. Speaking of which, I was Maine over labor day and saw two bees going to town in two different flowers. Pretty intense.

As far as inspiration goes, I don't really look at too much photography, but maybe I should start doing that.

Music is a big influence on me. I feel like life is better when played in step with a soundtrack.

I think the intro to movies is very important. I like movies that have a good song and are already establishing the story during the opening credits.

I already have the opening sequence to five of the movies I'm going to make planned with their respective songs.

This is good.

I've been watching Deadwood on DVD recently. I'm enthralled by the way they are constantly racking focus. I watched Sons of Anarchy last night and their racking wasn't up to par. Sad day.

Gap commercials are always good.

I also like tall buildings

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